Wednesday, November 3, 2010

How to weigh your gold ! You could be losing money

When I was in the business 5 years ago, gold was $350.00 - $390.00 per ounce. I am so pleased at the raise from the days when it was swinging around $250.00. All I can say about today's price is WOW; it's just hard to believe what that raw material is worth. And the way the economy is today, the price of gold is going to stay high for long while. I have something very important to share with you. We discovered this in 2002; and today it is more important than ever.

The stones in a jewelry setting weigh something. A carat is a weight just like ounces. We shouldn't be adding in the stone weight when we are loaning or buying on an item. If we are estimating correctly, we should be evaluating the stones as well. If it is a diamond or a precious stone, there is a higher level of expertise needed just for those stones. If it is a semi-precious, simulant, or imitation stone, the value of the gem is worth very little to zero. Either way, the weight of the stone needs to be subtracted from the weight of the item. Our experience dictated about 3 to 4 percent of miscalculated weight. That can add up at years end; especially taking into account the worth of gold today.

When we developed PRIMA we built a grid with the specific weights of each stone class and category. Size and type of stone weigh differently. As we entered a jewelry item into the system, the loan estimator subtracted the weight of the stones from the gold. Bravo will also have this function.
This can be done manually, but it is very time consuming. The weights of the stones can be found on the Internet.

You will find in my articles a common theme of hidden and small treasures. Little saving here and there, but when the end of the year approaches, real money is saved. I appreciate your following my blog.