Bravo Data Conversion
No hassle - Simple – Accurate
Team of DBA’s (Data Base Administrators we have 3 on staff) is the most
experienced in the pawn industry with 60 years of collective experience.
care more and understand because we lived through it just like
you. Many of you know that Bravo’s team
was pawnbrokers, running stores, living it every day. No one understands your business better, and
living through it yourself as we have, there is no compromise of understanding for us to understand what you have to live
through during this transition.
matter what platform, version, type, or language, Bravo guarantees data
conversion 100%.
Guarantee? Yes 100% guarantee and we determine this only
until there is a smile on your face. When
our customers are happy is when our data conversion task is complete.
Team adds discipline to the process to insure your data is safe, and correctly
applied to its new environment day one.
goal is to deliver you a disruptive competitive service, not to disrupt your
business. We invest the extra time to insure
that when you turn on Bravo it’s up to the day accurate.
you know that technology is moving 5 times faster than the retail industry? How old is your system, how far back is your
business today?
far this year, Bravo is expanding and investing ($2m this year). This week we installed our new IBM Fusion
Data Center with VM Sphere located into their 14 Global Data Centers. Faster – Better. A system you can count on, build on, expand on.
far this year our current users are experiencing explosive
growth on
users are making more money in what has been termed a tough Pawn Broking environment
last year. “We are running our
businesses the same as the last 20 years, but with Bravo we are just making a
lot more money.”
Bravo, we are never satisfied. We know
there are areas to improve on. Yes, "definitely",
but we are not sitting on our hands ignoring our customers.