Thursday, March 29, 2012

New Girl in Town -- Bravo-Sweden

Bravo was designed and introduced to pawnbrokers for all 50 States at the NPA show in June 2011.  Since that short time Bravo’s clients have stretched its reach to Mexico and in the next few weeks in Sweden and through out Europe.

We have nearly signed up every Pawnbroker looking at systems from the Dixie Pawn Convention. 

Many businesses ask me,  “can you handle what is needed in Alabama, California, Florida, Texas and so on?”   The answer is yes and then some.  Our technology is based on Cloud Internet services.  The best technology in the industry partnered with IBM and Microsoft.   This robust, dependable, and flexible environment enables our team  to say yes to our customers needs for what they want.  Fast!   There is no better way to run your business today.

Are you still driving the same car you purchased 20 years ago, so why are your running your business with the same old system?  You didn’t wait for your car to break down.  There are better ways to get from point A to point B.  Find out why so many Pawnbrokers are switching to Bravo.  Find out why Fortune 1000 company, one of big 4 Pawn Brokering Public companies have intrusted Bravo for their business?

We may not have the biggest Sales force, but we do have the best product, and for many years to come.

Steve Mack

Call   888.407.6287  for a quick live demonstration and we want to listen to what you need.

Bravo – Sweden

Bravo - America - Mexico - Sweden