Monday, July 11, 2011

Bravo's compliance to Laws and Regulations is the best in the Industry!

Don’t get bogged down when you have an item confiscated by law enforcement.  It’s a part of business.  Bravo’s systems methodology is the best practice for compliance, carefully reporting accurately each and every item in a rich and consistent format.  We systematically assist in driving down the risk of stolen property.   Better results for Bravo users without any extra effort.  Bravo does the heavy lifting.

We were absolutely reverent on solutions to avoid taking in stolen merchandise.  My point about helping our customers, saying “yes” as much as possible, being understanding and showing respect from my perspective is the ‘badge’ that we wear.  Most of our customers come to us because they have too.  We need to be compassionate.  Its good business and its where we have chosen to be.

So, does this mean to knowingly take in stolen merchandise, of course not.  I don’t believe asking customers questions and suspecting every item as stolen is an effective way to deter taking in stolen merchandise.  I believe it demeans our business and certainly our customers.  And the facts are, we nearly never take in stolen property.  When we find ourselves defending something that rarely happens, and when we try to defend ourselves in an subject where  it’s impossible to completely avoid taking in a stolen item, in a way it makes us look bad.  Yes, “It’s a part of the business”

I am a system guy, so we would look for ways to avoid taking in stolen items.  We would look for “Tells”.  Tells are signals, signs, tip offs.  It would drive me crazy when an outsider would say, “ you should have known it was stolen”.  What does that mean?  But we took that message to task and found several ways to try to monitor activities that might give us a “Tell”, and when this happened we would opt to ask questions, avoid the merchandise, or the customer.  Our goal was a number of transactions (1500) to every police hold.  That was 50% better than the national average.  Our system methodology and processes assisted our employees in achieving the positive result.  We lent as much money as possible with confidence that it was with legitimate people and merchandise.

I think systems driven solution is the most effective way to manage this challenge effectively.  In my last CAPA email I suggested methods that I believe CAPA could assist as well.  Running an compliant business is complying to the laws and regulations that this business requires as a best practice.  For me, being “compliant”, the effort has to be for a score of 100%.

Be compliant, get the transaction completed efficiently and as fast as you can, say yes more often, win customers for longer, have more fun, these are “Tells” of well run business.