Thursday, October 17, 2013


Bravo Systems Pay Back

Expect Immediate Return on Investment with BRAVO

Server based operating systems are history.   Obsolete. Game over.  If you are using legacy systems the cost of operating then is nearly 40% greater than Bravo.


The Bravo platform does not require special Hardware, Network, or Setup.  We can setup your store in the same day.  No more expensive, complicated installation.  

From day one, you start to make a return on your investment.  Great User Interface within 1 week you become an expert.  That’s what systems today must deliver.

Just like every item you purchase to resell, or every item you loan on, your system should be returning you a profit.  Bravo does this.

Bravo Customers share their experience.   Listen to one of our current customers share what Bravo has done for his business.

Click here to listen to one of our early customers Dave Munsee.

Here are just a few unique features that Bravo provides its customers that no one else offers:

  • Cloud Computing – total cost of ownership is less
  • Estimator – daily updated evaluation of all the products that come across your counter.  You are smarter
  • Quality Assessment – each item evaluated with Bravo insures your profitability by qualitative analysis every time.  Lowers risk, higher profitability.
  • eCommerce – seamless logistic management enabling your store to the Internet.  
  •  The future is available today with Bravo.
Click here to read  Motorola about retail.

Bravo is all ready and is available now.

Call us to learn more or to schedule a free live demonstration. 


Saturday, July 20, 2013

Your server could be your worst nightmare and your luck is running out.

Is your server protected in every way.  Are you aware of the most current federal laws that require you to take all necessary actions in protecting your customers data?  Its a fact that all  businesses have Internet access at their locations.  Older legacy software does not encrypt data leaving your customer data open in view and you are responsible.  It is just a matter of time before your server crashes, natural disaster, or hacker attack.

Hosting your own server requires taking every precaution.  The store operator is required to take all precautions in operating, hosting, and caring for your customers data.  Are you up for it?

Do you operate a server in your store?  Does your current mission critical business software run on your server?  Does your software encrypt your data ?  Does your store have the Internet ?


How Much Does your Server Cost Per Year?   From $699 - $6500.00 per year for a single store.  From no protection to full protection (This does not include rebooting down time.)  

High Risk No Environmental Protection

Do you know that you are liable by federal, state and civil law that you must take all necessary precautions in protecting your customers data?

Some of you locate your server under the counter, in a closet, server room, or in a data center.

Who has access to your server ?

Physical access is your #1 risk.

o   Employee retribution

o   Spelt beverage

o   Power Surge

o   Data Back UP

o   Natural Disaster – Weather – Burst Pipe

o   Hacker Attack

o   Server Crash

o   Security Updates

o   Internet Access – Open to attack

Where your server should be – Professional Collocation – Click here

Technology Costs – The Facts - The Resources 

On Premise vs. Cloud Calculator  -  Click here

Server Cost Calculator -  Total Cost of Ownership Calculator – Click here – ZDNet.

Total Cost of Ownership Analysis Click here

Find out more about Bravo and let today's technology take care of today's challenges.  Call me personally and lets talk.


Saturday, May 25, 2013

How to run the best Pawnshop

we believe there are better ways to run a business.

Here is one example.

We believe there is a better way to estimate the value and enter product information into your stores inventory and system.  The results are significant.   Better Compliance with Law Enforcement.  Better Inventory Control.  Better Lending Underwriting.  Less Effort.  Better Profitability

We just added BRAND LOGO to better identify products when entering an item into Bravo.

In other systems, over 30% of items entered are misidentified.  As an example below we have included 71 incorrect submissions how Apple was entered as the manufacture,  and 32  incorrect submissions for Milwaukee.  Bravo self corrects.

The effort has to be efficient.  You can’t afford to spend your time or add additional employees.  So we completed an analysis of the entire Pawn life cycle and we found when done efficiently with a correct process and systematization you end up with less effort and Pawn merchandise better.

Brand Logo effort is just icing on the cake.  The subtle differences all add up to insure  that you and your employees have the best tools to do the best job.

Our mission is to develop products to help you run your business better.

See our new website – click here

Have a Great Memorial Weekend.

71 ways to spell Apple

32 to ways to spell Milwaukee

Saturday, April 27, 2013

What is the future of Pawn for 2013

Thanks for following Bravo Bits, the Bravo Blog. You have joined over 650 readers.

I get asked all the time, where do you think Pawn is going in the future?  Developing software every day you need a vision of the future.  And since Bravo is industry specific for pawn, I am constantly researching our business.  In this email, I have decided to focus on 3 areas.  

1. Commodities
2. Regulations
3. Small business.

1.      Commodities. – Gold, Silver and Diamonds.  This topic is really difficult to forecast and I caution any dependency because it’s market and politics driven.  But I believe Gold and Silver will continue to slide downward and within the next 2-3 years gold will slide to $900.00 per ounce.  Diamonds will hover and slide as well until Jewelry Market finds its way back into affordability for lower and middle income.  It’s China stupid.  Global growth is still pointed to ASIA and commodities will hold firm while China develops.  The Chinese are spenders and as they move their population to lower and middle class, they will purchase Gold and Diamonds.  What about America?  I think our lower and middle income earners are spent keeping up, and gold at $900 makes it hard for our general public to afford jewelry, especially anything past a wedding ring.

How does this affect Pawn?  What percentage of your assets and business is Gold and Diamonds?  60 – 70  - 80 percent or more?  If it’s higher than 30% of your business, it’s really important.  The Gold Rush is over and simmering fast.  Everyone and their mother are in the gold business today.  You are starting to see these fly by night businesses shutting down, but many are looking to get into pawn business, and these future competitors will continue to try to peel off your business.

a.      Navigating the price of gold.  Really think this through.  It’s always profitable when the price goes up, but you can get stuck and go broke on the way down.

b.      Supply – There are fewer items out there.  It’s time to think about diversifying your loan portfolio to replace the lost revenue from the lower value and supply.

c.       Scrap, Refining vs. Retail – it’s time to think about allocating dollars back into selling jewelry to the retail public.

Retail Sales – There was nothing to do with Jewelry over the last 5 years other than smelting and refining, it was the right move.  However, the best pawnbrokers are the best retailers.  Pawnbrokers that find the most efficient liquidity for their buys and defaulted loans are the ones that win big.

2.      Regulations.  Yes, a constant stream of more effort will be required over the next 5 years.  First you need to know that, I am a Conservative Liberal that believes strongly in Capitalism.  I don’t believe that our industry information will be targeted specifically as an impediment to the safety of our government, but our stores, industry, and relationships with the citizens of America are a conduit to a big percentage of the Real America.  I have always believed that our customers are the real people of America.  Simply, our customers are the ones that are impacted first by the forces of the economy and what they hear on the TV, Radio, Twitter, Facebook, etc.  As a side note, be aware that pawnbrokers have a high moral responsibility in our society.

a.     The pawnbroker industry is stuck between law enforcement, because we touch merchandise from the public, and banking, we charge interest.  We collect data every day for law enforcement and banking.  We have all heard over the last 30 years that data is everything. Well these entities are starting to see they can’t live without data.  They will be looking for more.  The most recent Boston Bombing incident has set precedent how the collection of data can solve what has happened.

b.      $Money$ - Taxes.  This is what is going to suck.  Our transaction will be taxed somehow in the future.  Government is going to clamp down on all business’s tax collection.

c.       Pawn Stars and Hard Core Pawn TV shows has brought our industry into the mainstream.  They are both 2 of most watched shows in the World.  The Pawn Industry is no longer just known by those that use them.  I happen to love both shows.

Pawnbrokers of the future will have to be compliant and report accurately to Law Enforcement.   I mean accurately with accuracy.   ID’s, Finger Prints, Images, and more are all growing requirements across America.  There are more arrests and citations of pawnbrokers than ever.  The ATF has stepped up their audits; the ATF compliance division has increased their staff by 300%.   Pawn regulations across America have increased city by city over 100%, and that’s this year, alone.  Watch your legislatures changing language from as, to should, to require,  to must.   Taxes.  Many small businesses are known to curtail the reporting of taxes.  Bottom line our government is broke, they are spending more, and they will look more aggressively for sources of tax revenues.  Be wise.

3.      Small Business. – We are the backbone of America.  We make it happen.  We create jobs.  We work hard.

a.      Competition.   One very clear way to get ahead today is to own your business.  Small business growth over the next 5 years will be unprecedented.

b.     Big Business.  These guys are fierce and want small business market share.  From Online to the Big Business on the street they have big money and data.

c.      Safety and Real Estate – the cost of opening a safe and secure store today is expensive.  Retail locations can be leased at the best prices in over 20 years.  Make sure you get great terms and long options.


What is a better pawnbroker?  You all have different ambitions and measures, and they are all correct.  For this discussion I will focus on Customers, The Store, and Profitability.

1.      FIGURE OUT HOW TO SPEND MORE TIME WITH YOUR CUSTOMERS.  I love small business and I believe that small business is what makes America strong.  It’s you that makes it happen and it’s why I write articles like this and create software to help you. Bottom line, it’s going to get harder.  Only the strong survive and if you play ball the correct way, there is more success available today than ever. Yeah, that’s right.  It is all about the customer and you.  And while the Big Retail boys have to depend imagery, you have the customer in your hand, face to face, every day.  The key though is to figure out how to make sure that you have the time to stay in front of the customer.  With all of the pressure that I describe above, today’s small businesses need to figure out how to stay lean, efficient, and profitable.

2.     THE STORE NEEDS TO BE PRESENTED IN THE BEST WAY POSSIBLE.   This is a huge effort but the experience that you offer your customers is the respect you have for this this business and yourself.  I used to look at these factors.  Your parking lot,  behind and under the counters, back room, safe, bath rooms, light bulbs exterior signs.  If these are all in place then your store probably looks pretty good.  This is Retail 101, it does not take a lot of money and everybody can do it.

3.     PROFITABILITY.  At the end of your career or passing along to your kids, it’s all about how much you have created in value.  What did you start off with and how much did you sell it for?  Just like the pawn business the day you started. 

a. The 2 highest prices paid ever for a shop company?  Highest price paid by number of stores and dollars in inventory and loans.
i. SuperPawn – 2004
ii. SuperPawn Franchise 2012 – Giles Family Tucson Arizona.

I bring this up for two reasons.  There is effort handsomely paid for when done correctly and both were accomplished with the same 
Pawn Systems


Well, there are a few dozen secrets and the Giles paid for these secrets through our SuperPawn franchise and the got rich paying for it.  So, let’s start off with one of the most important, the acquisition process of the item.   The basic item brought over the counter, through the doors of your store, or parked in front of your building.  Every item has a form of profit.  How do you translate each and every opportunity in a profitable transaction?  How do you maximize each opportunity and squeeze out the cost in creating the profit?

I look at incremental profit in each and every ounce of effort.  If you write 20 loans a day, 6 days week, times 50 weeks that’s 6000 loans a year.  Focus on making $5.00 - $10.00 more per item, this adds up to 30 – 60k per year just on your loan business.  Most people focus on margin.  What do you think?
I figured this out by analyzing the life cycle of the pawn transaction and the physical effort, cost for dollars invested, the space it took up, how many times you have touch it, for each full transaction.   It’s crazy how much time we spend on each and every item and quite frankly there is a ton of waist,  an unproductive investment.  After you think about it, it becomes obvious and then where is the easiest fat to cut.

answer     In the beginning and that’s it.  You start the transaction with the best research, compliance, consistency, accuracy, and organization.  The transaction should be completed within 3 minutes.  When I say complete, I mean the complete life cycle of the transaction.

The system should do everything.  And I mean all the way to selling or collecting interest for the item. I mean cash in your register without any extra effort.

Its sounds easier right?  It is.  It was.  It worked.

Steve Mack
Former founder and CEO - SuperPawn