Fellow Business Operator,
I know what you do every day, what it takes, and know that
with a REAL System assisting you each day will be a whole lot better with
Many of you have asked if the cost of Bravo is more than the
others. The answer is unequivocally NO. Nothing is more powerful
and more affordable than Bravo no matter how you measure it.
First, Bravo features are unsurpassed and 10 years
ahead of our closest competitor.
Bravo Store Systems has the lowest Total Cost of Ownership.
Our cost saving features make you money and is exclusive to Bravo
No Servers – No Backups – We do it all.
Save your money and headaches in keeping your servers running in your
stores. They are expensive and becoming obsolete each day. Enjoy
the multi-million dollar software and services with Bravo for a fraction of the
price starting at $149.00 per month.
In-store network NO more. All you need
is Router. Many of you have invested in Novell, Citrix and other
expensive infrastructure to hook all of your stores into your store
server. With Bravo Technology thin client architecture, you can create a
secure store environment with unlimited number of workstations easily.
All you need is a Router and Switch for as low as $150.00. Plug it in or
Wireless (Yes Bravo runs on a wireless network)
Bravo will help you earn an
extra $5.00 - $15.00 for every transaction you perform in your store.
Best Technology – We took no short cuts.
We know that your business needs mission critical systems. Your system
has to be reliable. We choose enterprise class Microsoft technologies – Microsoft
SQL Server – WPF- Windows Presentation Foundation – Microsoft
Visual Studio - .NET Microsoft.
Best & most secure Collocation Facility –
Switch Communication – SuperNap – click
Best of class - IBM Hardware.
THE CLOUD – it’s here, it’s the future.
A scalable solution built on Microsoft
AZURE. Our ability to integrate is unsurpassed. Hardware,
Peripherals, 3rd Party Applications, and Custom solutions are all
what we do every day.
Call us or sign up for a free One on One Demonstration – 30 minutes – click here